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Paint n Paper

Home Improvements
Watch it transform from hell hole to hovel.  It's amazing what a little paint n paper will do... ok and some tiles.


Something Funny

Don't throw toothpicks in the urinals, crabs pole-vault.  Come back next week for more inspirational

In the News

Family in the news, find highlights over the years here. Photo:  Daily Press photo 2020 of Lawson winning the Rock's Hockey Tournament.


Day 198

Posted 9/25/2020

Day 198: TGIF - Too sore to sleep last night, saw the wife off to work and then passed out for about an hour before the alarm went off to get Lawson ready for school. Breakfast Lunch and out the door, he had to wear green and white today, some francophone thing. I worked on some paperwork that was looming over my head, couldn't thing proper, it didn't go well before I gave up. Couldn't do much of anything, tried to work in the basement, no dice, kept dropping things and tripping, I made a wise choice and went to a room that was more safe. Played a game of pool on the phone and that wasn't even successful... I waited for everyone to get home. Had dinner, watched some idiot box and then crashed... too tired to even write this much.